Friday, January 9, 2015

Tonsillectomy - My Story

Today is actually my last day of medical leave after a few weeks of post tonsillectomy. I had my tonsils removed back in 12 December 2014. I only had it done after going through tonsillitis almost every month for 2 years plus and I can't be taking antibiotics every months.

The post surgery was hell. After first few hours, I couldn't even swallow plain water (even though I was so thirsty after fasting more than 12 hours). I can't brush my teeth, can't swallow my own saliva, urghh...

Anyhow, I was discharged after 2 days. Doctor advised to drink a lot of fluids and eat soft diet and slowly to normal diet.

The pain - I'm not going to lie to you. I was sooooo not prepared for the pain. In my head I was thinking well the pain must be less than pain during labour - I was wrong. It was a different kind of pain and at different levels.
After surgery, the pain was only between 5 to 6 because I was still on buse. Oh when I said pain, it felt like my throat is burning and I felt the sore up to my ears. All of my jaw and mouth muscles including my tongue were very sore. My first week after discharged, the pain varies from 7 up to 10!!! I had relapsed of sore and pain on the fifth day and it continues every other days. I was merely whispering when I talked as it really really really hurts. I was eating porridge the whole week and drinking glucose water which I froze in the freezer. Sleeping - can't sleep the week plus I was coughing which added more pain even though I was on pain killer (liquid paracetamol for kids, I was prescribed 6 bottles of liquid paracetamol, HAHA tasted good though). I'm not gonna sugarcoat and lie - for those who are considering to remove their tonsils, just be mentally prepared for the post surgery. Talking, eat, drinking and swallowing is one of the major things that we do all the time - you will definitely face some huge roadblocks here for the first 2,3 weeks after removing your tonsils.

At week 3, I suddenly felt a lump when I swallow. I went for a checkup with my doctor and I had reflux and gastric as I didn't eat that much and might be due to the antibiotics - sigh. So now I'm on Nexium and Gaviscon for a month.

Anyhow, some tips for those who are considering for Tonsillectomy:
  1. for breastfeeding moms, I don't encourage you guys to do the surgery while your baby is still breastfeeding.
  2. during recovery, drink a lot of iced water (glucose, Gatorade, apple juice). Avoid citrus juice - orange, grapefruit etc as it will only add more pain. Eating Popsicles also helps, but I was not into them hehe. I froze all kinds of water and juices instead.
  3. ice packs do help. Put it at your throat, neck. Avoid taking hot bath - it will dry your throat.
  4. make sure that you take your medication on time. Rest, rest, rest. Don't stressed. Watch TV or iPad just to forget on the pain that you are currently having.
If I knew how bad the recovery would be I would have waited another year or two (at least after Muqri stops breastfeeding). I had to stop breastfeeding him for 2 weeks and discard the EBM due the the strong antibiotics and other medications prescribed.  However, it's done now and I'm sure as time goes on, I will be glad that I had it done.

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