Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Baby Poop Color -foremilk & hindmilk

Image taken from Pinterest

I was in still confinement/maternity leave when Idris's poop color and texture kinda worries me at times (6 years with no babies in the house, we kinda forget what's normal & abnormal for babies to begin with).

When Idris was 1 month old, we noticed that his poop color was greenish for  few days, yup it was this watery with a bit of texture green and mustard. Desperate for answers, I tried googling and found few articles which made be relieved. Plus, our next Paed's visit also confirmed that it is normal for breastfed babies to have green or mustard poop and told us to to worry. Phewww...

So just a note for all breastfeeding moms out there, all you need to remember is that:

  • green - baby is drinking a lot of *foremilk
  • mustard - baby is drinking a balance of *foremilk & *hindmilk

*foremilk (susu cair, kadang-kadang kebiruan & rendah lemak)
*hindmilk (susu agak pekat dan berkrim, mengandungi kalori yang tinggi dan kaya dengan lemak)

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